
Consulting Services

The founder of Shenandoah Restorations, Mike Watkinson, offers consulting services for owners and potential owners of old and historic structures.  This service is customized for every client but usually entails a site visit and walk through with the owner to evaluate the historic as well as structural, and aesthetic details of the building. The walk through is sometimes enough to help direct the restoration in a manner that is sensitive to important historic features and how to conserve them appropriately.   Most clients also like to have a house report prepared.  The house report generally includes a brief description of the property that focuses on elements of style, construction, historical evolution, and important architectural features, then goes on to evaluate the buildings condition and lay out general recommendations for a restoration plan.  The report can also include itemized rough estimates based on the restoration plan.  The reports are typically 2 or 3 pages in length but can be more thorough and technical when necessary.